
British Pride

A l’initiative du BNP et en contrepoint au Mois de l’Histoire noire célébré en octobre depuis plus de 30 ans avec moult fracas médiatique, une “British Pride” et un “White History Month” seront fêtés chaque mois de novembre en Grande-Bretagne.

October of every year has been officially designated as Black History Month. Prime ministers, presidents, politicians, journalists, pop stars and celebrities all line up to give their support for Black History Month. There are exhibitions, websites, events and initiatives in schools, universities, colleges, town halls and city centres all over the world.

British Pride, along with the Youth and Student BNP (YBNP), thinks it is a noble and worthwhile thing having a Black History Month. A specific month where all Black people can celebrate their identity and explore their heritage and show their pride. We would like to see all races and nationalities doing the same thing. It is only with pride and knowledge of who we are and where we came from, that we will all learn to live together in this world. Lire la suite

Lire également cette belle profession de foi : British and Proud !

L’écho donné à cette manifestation par les médias britanniques sera sûrement beaucoup plus limité que celui donné à la Black Pride mais nous ne pouvons que saluer cette initiative d’outre-Manche dont l’esprit rejoint celui de la première French Pride que nous avions organisée le 28 juin dernier à Paris.

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