
Les Etats-Unis ont interrompu la diffusion de la chaîne Russia Today, a annoncé le rédacteur en chef de la chaîne Margarita Simonyan sur son compte Twitter.

Je m’y attendais depuis longtemps. Maintenant notre chaîne est bloquée aux Etats-Unis. Ça y est ! Bravo à la liberté de l’expression ! – Margarita Simonyan

Russia Today a été bloquée par la ressource Reddit. La chaîne compte plus d’un millions d’abonnés dans le monde entier.
La Voix de la Russie
interview intégrale :
Ms Simonyan gave exclusive comment on the situation to the Voice of Russia:
VoR: Tell us a bit more about the situation and what are you going to do about it?
MS: I think Reddit users better than anyone commented on the situation regarding our account being banned from the Reddit website. They have actually unleashed a war demanding to get us back and have fairly accused the website of censorship.
VoR: What measures are you going to take?
MS: We have already contacted the website and call for explanations because they haven’t given us any. They didn’t explain why we had been banned. We hope they will do this soon.
Earlier today Ms Simonyan twitted: “I have been waiting for them to start blocking our channel in the States. They have now begun doing so. So much for the freedom of speech.”
As soon as RT’s account was blocked more than a million Reddit users from all over the world subscribed to the news account of the TV channel on the Reddit resource, Voice of Russia reported.
(Merci à Normandix)

Fdesouche sur les réseaux sociaux